Tuesday, May 7, 2013

cats everywhere!

my boyfriend and i are currently pet sitting his mom's two cats.  i have always been a dog person and have never in my life had cats around the house.  it is quite different, i must say.
i am still getting used to hearing mysterious scratches in the middle of the night, rustling blinds, the odorous smell of cat litter, waking up to a cat climbing on my pillows, and jumping at the sight of an unexpected creature standing on the counter staring at me.

their names are football and soccer... these two precious ladies were named by my boyfriend when he was a little boy and didn't know anything about properly naming animals.

soccer settled in nicely and found her favorite spot--  on our butcher's block.  she is lounging there at this very moment.

they also quickly discovered a basket we had lying around.  both can be found here at various times throughout the day.

their activities include:  walking around and exploring, finding nooks to hide in, peeking out of the blinds, climbing on my head in the middle of the night, hanging out in the sunroom, and most of all.... lounging.

time for their close-ups!!  football blinked every time.

soccer allllmost...

there we go.  :)