Monday, April 15, 2013

new creations

i completed a couple of new jewelry pieces the other day inspired by pendants i found at the local flea market.

first, a lovely little black spider, accentuated by little sparkling gems--

and second, this beautiful silver waterbird filigree--
[ i have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to incorporate those amazing fuzzy red beads into one of my pieces ]

if you like these or would like to see more, i have plenty for sale in my store HERE .

Monday, April 8, 2013

oh, lovely spring!

   i remember being outside as a child- how wonderful it was to go exploring... running around, climbing trees, observing bugs in the grass, finding the special little things in my yard that existed in their own secret magical realm...
your yard is a whole world of its own.

the other day, the weather was perfect-- a slight breeze, birds carolling in the trees, squirrels scurrying for treats...  so i made like a kid and went exploring and playing in the yard. [ with my camera in tow of course! ]

it was fun discovering the flowers blooming, to see the first uncurlings (i made that word up) of leaves and blossoms.
here are a few beautiful things i found . . .  .  .    .